Welcome to Credit Report Srl
The company operates through two corporate branches in a binary intertwined way:
- business information investigations and activities concerning any data relating to an entity's assets and liabilities, economic, financial, credit, industrial or productive features;
- credit management through different services aimed at recovering debts
We deal with: Credit information Skiptracing Commercial reports Financial statements Data management Outsourcing Individual request Purchase of receivables Debt collection International debt collection Portfolio management Legal background Due Diligence
We chose to summarize our services and our company for our virtual presentation because we believe that only a personal and direct contact with our customers can provide tailor-made solutions which can turn successful for both parties in the fastest and most profitable style.
Human relations are at a core of our values.
Please contact us!
Authorization from Police Headquarters of La Spezia ex art. 115 Tulps for credit recovery
Authorization from Prefecture of La Spezia ex art. 134 Tulps for private investigations and business information activity
Inscription n. 30730 to ROC (Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione: national Register of the Operators of the Communication)
Federpol member
Request for docs
Download the document in pdf fill it and send it via email to documentazione@creditreport.it or via fax at (+39) 01871857274
Credit Report srl con socio unico | Via Cisa Sud, 168/A Santo Stefano di Magra (SP) | P.Iva 01359810114 | Investigazioni private e commerciali, gestione crediti | Tel. 0187278444 - Fax 0187015008